High School Ski Trip

Friday, February 14 12:00 AM
Allegan, Michgan

HS students are invited on this year's ski trip! This winter retreat is an awesome opportunity to have fun and grow deeper together. We will meet at the lodge at 5:30pm on Friday Feb 14th, where we will eat pizza and load into vans. We'll arrive at Beechpoint Christian Camp in Allegan, MI that night. Saturday we will eat breakfast, ski all day at Bittersweet Ski Resort, return to camp for dinner, and then have an optional night skiing opportunity. Sunday we will eat breakfast and then return home by 2pm! NOTE: students are able to attend even if they do not wish to ski or snowboard. They will get to hang back in the ski lodge during the day on Saturday and hang out, play board games, etc. Saturday evening, they will get to hang back at camp.