1/5 Service Times

We are planning for a regular day of worship on January 5, 2025! All services will be at their usual time.


When you choose to give to support the ministries of St. Luke's, you are giving to life transformation, inclusive ministry work, local outreach, and so much more!

Your generosity is impacting lives right here in Indianapolis and around the world!

PlannedGivingIndy.jpgYour Act of Generosity, Our Longevity

With gift planning, you can provide long-lasting support for St. Luke's while enjoying financial benefits for yourself. 


Give Online

Use Pushpay to give online, schedule recurring giving, give to specific missions or categories, and manage your giving history.


In-Person Giving

Financial gifts can be given on Sunday mornings in the gathering areas outside of each worship space or in the church office during regular business hours.

Non-Cash Gifts

If you would like to donate stocks, bonds, precious metals, vehicles or any other assets, please contact our business office.


Why We Give

At St. Luke’s we recognize everything we have comes from God, and we are simply sharing these gifts to grow His kingdom. Through tithes and offerings, we are able to show in a tangible way our love for God and our community. Each year, we ask our members to pledge for the coming year in support of our church's ministry and mission, as an opening community of Christians helping people find and give hope in Jesus Christ. 

We give for many reasons but ultimately annual giving makes possible: worship, programs for children and students, Bible studies, small groups, pastoral care and support, mission trips, community service, and building and operational needs. We are grateful to be in ministry together, with you, our community.

2024 Annual Report
2024 Giving Guide


As Christians we recognize everything we have comes from God, and we are simply sharing those gifts for Kingdom work. Through our tithes and offerings, we demonstrate in a tangible way our love for God and our neighbors. Pray about giving regularly to God's ministry and mission through St. Luke's with a goal of tithing 10% of your annual income. 

A pledge is an individual or family’s annual commitment to the church of their tithes and offerings in support of our church’s ministry and mission.

Annual pledges support all we do at St. Luke's. This includes funding worship, programs for children and students, Bible studies, small groups, pastoral care and support, mission trips, community service, building and operational needs, and paying our staff. We plan our ministry and mission through St. Luke's by relying on your financial pledges to develop next year’s budget.

Fill out your annual pledge card during our Stewardship series in November. As a congregation, we will express our gratitude to God and present our cards, representing our commitment to God’s ministry through our church.

Look at your pledge as your promise to pay. You will be able to specify when and how often you are able to pay on your pledge card or when you pledge electronically.

If your circumstances change and you need to decrease, or you would like to increase your pledge, you may call the Finance Department at (317) 846-3404 and modify your pledge at any time. This helps ensure our records are accurate.

One-time gifts are simple to set up using a debit or credit card, or from a bank account.

Recurring gifts can be set up on a schedule that works for you and provide flexibility to track and manage your giving. 

Appreciated stock or qualified charitable distributions are also giving options. See more information here or contact the Finance Department for more information.

For questions or help with your financial giving, please email the Finance Department or call them at (317) 846-3404.